Monday, February 8, 2010

Obama's Biggest Blunder

Conservatives tend to criticize President Obama’s fiscal and domestic policies to the high heavens; but I think that the biggest blunder of this administration is its neglect of things international, especially of the obvious problems going on in Iran and the Middle East. This administration is extremely slow to act when destabilization is running rampant among our avowed enemies in that part of the world. If you do not believe that is true, just look at how long it took President Obama to decide to send 38,000 more urgently needed troops to Afghanistan—months! Now, he sits still while Hamas perfects a rocket launcher in the Gaza strip capable of delivering a bomb (presumably an Iranian nuclear weapon) to Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, Hamas continues to lob explosive rockets into Israeli settlements in southern Israel.

The latest danger comes, of course, from Iran. President Ahmadinejad announced via state TV yesterday that Iran was going on to enrich uranium, supposedly to make a medical reactor. How long must we stand by and watch this kind of preparation for war going on before we act in our own best interests and the best interest of the whole world, especially the interests of a peaceful Middle East?!

We fail to act, even in words of encouragement, to the democrats in Iran who are protesting tyranny and laying down their lives for freedom. The Iranian regime continues to repress protests of their corrupt national election on June 12 while the United States hesitates to even endorse the actions of the protesters verbally. While the United States sleeps, street protesters around the world came out on Sunday to protest human rights violations in Iran.

We hear a lot of criticism of the Bush administration for apparently failing to understand that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before our invasion. But now, we stand by and allow the Iranian government to announce openly that they are producing nuclear capability. Talk about “weapons of mass destruction!” This is ridiculous!!

It seems to me that the one hope the free world has is Israel. Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not one to let his country be destroyed before his very eyes. A pre-emptive strike against Iran is a very real possibility at the hands of the Israelis; but I doubt very seriously that our American military power is wont to help them if they do act to save their country and their lives.


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