American politics have changed—that’s no news. The angry
lamentations of Donald Trump’s outbursts without remedial measures is
interesting, but not productive of constructive changes to come from a Trump
presidency. He makes strong points about how terrible the present state of
“progressive” ideas have been; he makes good observations of how the Obama
administration and a possible Hillary administration would be, seeing that her
election would be a continuation of the ruinous policies of her predecessor.
But…there are no forthcoming ideas of what should be done to reconstruct the
American republic economically and socially. He makes remarks off the cuff,
designed to throw red meat to erstwhile conservatives; but I can see no real
substance to his appeal to conservatives and those who would improve our
Trump’s message of recovery has been characterized by vague,
nostalgic tropes promising an end to globalization, illegal immigration and
other modern trends. But he fails to flesh out how his nostalgic ideas would
give lasting hope to the American decline. His blandishments against
“politically correct” speech appeals to the emotions of American superficial
thinkers; but seldom do his ideas seem to have long-lasting benefits to those
who would look at political consequences.
The above changes have increased the diversity within our
nation. And this has produced economic gain for some and loss of wealth for
many—a split between the rich and the poor. Some have felt liberated from old
bonds on personal liberty—others see nothing but moral decay. Racism is reportedly
rampant according to the media and political elites in Washington. Violence and
homegrown terrorism seem to be on the upswing. Anyone with a beef against
someone else seems willing to take up a gun and start shooting.
Liberals/progressives of the Hillary Clinton type think that
more of the same kind of administration is what is needed. Thoughtful
conservatives should think carefully about this. Now may be the time true
conservatism might make a comeback—but…changes must be made in the conservative
agenda. There must be a new right for a new America.
There is no way to undo the past for America. We must make the
most of our recent experience. Our world is a world of individualism and
fracture of old and familiar social modes. We must use the changes to forge a
new union, a new way of relating to one another. The Republicans of today look
at the world through a nostalgia of the old days. Democrats cling complacently
to the anachronism of social democracy as their vision of the future. Neither
will work.
To my mind, conservatives seem better positioned to work the
changes that are needful in America. They need to bring to public policy the
dispersed, incremental, bottom-up approach to progress that has pervaded every
other part of American life while reviving community and civil society to
combat dislocation and isolation. More government regulations will never help
obtain this goal. We need local problem-solvers to mix resources, advice,
experience, and moral leadership in a continuing process of bottom-up
experimentation. The government must get out of the way and let this process
The government should abandon the model of centralized,
technocratic industrial economy in favor of today’s decentralized,
consumer-driven, postindustrial economy and use public resources to encourage
constructive experimentation with public services rather than to impose tired
dogmas from above. Those “tired dogmas” include the philosophy of Hillary
Clinton, which would regulate our society to death.
Social conservatives should concentrate on the development of
vibrant sub-cultures that offer alternatives to the demoralizing chaos of the
permissive society. Older models of traditional morality and social
construction will not be accepted by today’s diverse population; but they must
be demonstrated for the benefit of those who can see their way out of rampant
individualism and selfish ways of living for the moment.
Some of this blog post was taken from a book by Yuval Levin,
“The Fractured Republic: Renewing America’s Social Contract in the Age of