National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers
have written this national curriculum; and it is strongly supported by the
Obama Administration. There is nothing new about the Curriculum; it is a
decades old idea fostered in the Clinton era by Marc Tucker, president of the
National Center on Education and the Economy. Mr. Tucker proposed a system of
labor-market boards at the local, state, and federal levels where curriculum
and job matching will be handled by government functionaries.
the early 1990’s the state of Massachusetts has found a way to beef up the educational
prowess of their high school graduates by instituting rigorous academic
standards, teacher testing, and high-quality tests that students must pass to
graduate from high school. These three measures have caused Massachusetts
graduates to move from mediocre performance on the SAT tests in the early
1990’s to first place in the nation in 2005. In that year, Massachusetts
students scored best in the United States in all categories on the National
Assessment of Educational Progress tests.
do states adopt the Common Core? It is simply because of money paid to them by
the Federal Government for buying into the system. Of course, they understand
that the Feds have LOTS of money. The Feds get it from China and give it to
local school boards.
home-schooling mother in our family has told us that if she were to use the
Common Core in her teaching she would have to tone down her teaching so that it
complies with lower academic standards than the standards she is using now.
That’s dumbing down education in order to comply with government standards.
post was resourced from the Wall Street Journal of 5/28/13 page A15.