Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Abortion Industry Reaches a New Low in Ethical Behavior

Certain institutions in our country have reached a new moral low in basic integrity. The recent revelation of the sale of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood is absolutely scathing to my conscience. I just cannot imagine how a mother can have her unborn baby dismembered, in the first place; but, then, extracting parts of the innocent baby’s body and selling them at the hands of profit-seeking intermediaries is the epitome of blatant evil! How much farther can human morals sink?

Two videos have been released of senior Planned Parenthood abortion executives explaining in lurid detail, while chomping on salad and wine, how Planned Parenthood abortionists “crush” babies, using a “less crunchy” method of abortion in order to avoid harming organs destined for sale.

It’s despicable.

Yet, in response to the natural backlash of the American people, Planned Parenthood – the largest abortion business in America – has happily admitted it conducts this gruesome, inhuman practice.  It claims it is following “the highest ethical and legal standards.”
Planned Parenthood claims that is does not “profit in any way” from this grotesque business practice.  In fact, Planned Parenthood’s first response to the videos was to assert, “There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for…Planned Parenthood.” Does anyone in their right mind believe that Planned Parenthood is transferring these body parts to researchers around the country out of the goodness of their hearts?

New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and apparently admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

The footage shockingly depicts the top medical official at the Planned Parenthood corporation munching on her salad while she discusses the sale of body parts of unborn children victimized by abortions. She brazenly describes how the heads of unborn babies killed in abortions command top dollar. http://bit.ly/1VFG6Hm
For my readers in Colorado, Colorado Citizens For Life reported on July 15, 2015 that on January 10, 2013, Colorado State University purchased fetal body parts from Planned Parenthood's flagship abortion facility in San Jose, California via a company called StemExpress.  In total, nine specimens were harvested from eight different aborted babies killed in abortions at that Planned Parenthood clinic and the purchase order reveals CSU bought two body parts, including an aborted baby’s liver.

At the time, Stem Express paid Planned Parenthood $50 per specimen, which means that in one day they received $450. Additionally, StemExpress harvested body parts from Planned Parenthood facilities in Fresno, Sacramento, and Stockton. http://bit.ly/1Mt4nNK

Planned Parenthood performs about 40% of the abortions done in the United States annually. According to Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter, 60%-70% of the organization’s patients agree to have their babies’ body parts harvested. Dr. Deborah Nucatola estimates that the body parts sell for about $30-$100 each. Those figures indicate that Planned Parenthood probably brings in about $23 million/year selling baby body parts. http://bit.ly/1Mt4nNK
Dr. Nucatola, the first planned Parenthood doctor caught arranging for the sale of aborted baby body parts not only makes a big salary from the abortion corporation, a new report from the Daily Caller indicates she runs a consulting business on the side. Via that consulting firm, Dr. Nucatola http://bit.ly/1DnD2Er made another $207,000 in 2007, according to IRS records.

New information is coming to light about the amount of money Nucatola makes. As the Daily Caller reports, Nucatola makes a lucrative amount of money from the abortion giant via her salary (which is likely in the $150,000-$250,000 range), but also additional money from Planned Parenthood on the side as a consultant.

Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles paid Nucatola $203,180 as an independent contractor through Imagyn, according to its 2007 IRS 990 form. Nucatola’s LinkedIn profile indicates that she was medical director at Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo at the time.

In summary of this horrendous market for baby body parts, I quote the statement made by Brit Hume on FOX NEWS Special Report on 19 July 2015,

“Whatever comes of the revelations about Planned Parenthood and its participation in the traffic in fetal body parts, those revelations will have achieved one thing, they have parted the veil of antiseptic tidiness behind which the abortion industry has so long operated. The sight of the senior Planned Parenthood official and doctor, to boot, discussing the market for fetal body parts in between bites of salad and sips of wine was stomach turning. That’s because it laid bare the essential brutal nature of abortion. Let’s be blunt. Abortion involves the extraction and killing of a human life. Within a couple weeks of the beginning of a pregnancy, the baby has a beating heart. Five weeks in, its hands and legs begin to grow. It is these tiny creatures and ones that are far more developed that are pulled from a mother’s womb and crushed with forceps. Oh, but so carefully lest body parts, which can later be sold and preserved are not damaged. This gruesome procedure shows the extent to which we, as a people have been anesthetized by the estimated 55 million abortions since the Supreme Court discovered a constitutional right to that procedure 42 years ago.

“Will we, as a nation come to look upon that decision and what it has done to us, not to mention the 55 million dead with horror and regret. One can only hope we will.”



Monday, July 27, 2015

SCOTUS Rules the Country (from the Left)

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has, in late decades grabbed so much power that it now seems to be the supreme ruler of the land. Unfortunately, it leans so far to the left that it threatens to turn our country into another socialist horror, the likes of which, are ruling the roosts of Europe. The court endorses and encourages the Progressive Left of America at every opportunity! Two examples have worked their way to the surface during the past several months:

The First is in the way the court has endorsed the ObamaCare law. Ever since the court found the right to abortion in the 14th Amendment in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the trend to the Progressive Left has been rapidly advancing. Now, with the left’s victory in King v. Burwell, there can be no longer any doubt about the way the Court is modeling our society in favor of European socialism. In that latter decision, the Court has decided that the written laws do not pertain any more. They have ruled that the thoughts and the intentions of the legislators who wrote the ObamaCare law, i.e., their original intent, has more credence and authority than what they actually wrote of their own free will. There could not have been any uncertainty about what their intention was when they wrote that “government subsidies are to be given only to applicants in states where the states do not set up their own insurance exchanges.” But…it could not be clearer that the Democrat steamroller that wrote that law meant the clause as a threat to the states to force them into establishing health insurance exchanges themselves. But the problem was that 26 states would not rise to the bait; and they refused to establish those state exchanges. When the ploy of the Democrats did not work, they tried to slither out of the condition they created on their own. Instead of allowing the Congress to change the situation to make ObamaCare work, the Supreme Court in its wisdom decided to take the situation into their own hands and endorse the “original intent” of the law they were sure the Democrats really wanted in the first place, by endorsing the bad arrangement and changing the law to the Progressive version. The IRS was emboldened to continue awarding the proposed subsidies to all comers to the law.

It is very interesting that the Supreme Court is quick to look at the “original intent” of the Democrats who wrote ObamaCare, while, at the same time, they are loathe to consider the “original intent” of the framers of the Constitution on numerous issues relating to interpretation of that document. For example, where did commerce clause of the Constitution ever get the interpretation that the government could claim almost total sovereignty over business in the United States?  And…where did the justices of the Court ever find the original intent of the constitutional authors, which would eventually allow the people the right to abortions? Other examples abound about the Court’s caprice in making expedient and unwise decisions.

The Second way the court has moved our country out of line with common sense and common decency is manifest in the decision  in favor of same-sex marriage. This decision is in obvious violation of centuries-old admonitions about homosexuality, found in Leviticus 18 and 19 and in Romans 1. The lack of observance of these clear guidelines from the Bible flies in the face of scientific social research which shows that same-sex marriage and the raising of children in same-sex households is bad for the country.

Many liberal thinkers have questioned the damage that is claimed for same-sex marriage by conservatives in our nation. They ask, “How can same-sex marriage possibly harm the heterosexual unions, which classically have been the norm in this country?” The answer is as follows: Same-sex marriages are notoriously prone to infidelity between the partners. This has been graphically shown in studies done in the Netherlands and confirmed elsewhere. Studies have shown that monogamy is not the practiced situation in those marriages. The most conservative data show that 50% of same-sex marriages contain multiple out-of-wedlock sexual partners. When same-sex marriages are given the status of legitimate marriage, their moral practices in those marriages will logically be transferred to the general society along with their marital legitimacy—this will damage the moral and practical behavior of all marriages, further damaging the whole institution of marriage.

Liberal thinkers also are under the impression that legitimization of same-sex marriages will also benefit the children being raised in same-sex homes. Extensive data is now available showing that that impression is false. Children in same-sex marriages have been shown to manifest a whole litany of undesirable characteristics, e.g., out of wedlock pregnancy, criminal behavior, school drop-out, welfare dependency, etc., etc.

Our country no longer can claim to be a land ruled by laws. Rather, we are a land ruled by political power. Common decency is now in abeyance.