Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Read the Qur’an.

We read and hear about many events involving “radical Islamists” and “Islamic extremism” these days. We wonder how people could become so violent as to throw bombs, start fires, shoot to kill, and even blow themselves up in order to kill their enemies. To those of us who have grown up in the Christian tradition of love and kindness to our enemies, these acts seem offensive and senseless. Now, it is true, that Christians have been guilty of violent acts in the past. The truth of Christianity is that our Savior can be found in the context of learning to love our enemies—violent acts in the name of Christ are aberrations and grossly misplaced acts, almost always motivated by political and social issues—and almost never are they done in the name of our faith.

On the other hand, I believe that most Islamic violence is undertaken by people who are trying to obey the precepts written in the Qur’an, their holy book. I believe that the world’s violence comes directly from the basic teachings of Islam. I would invite all my readers to read the Qur’an and see if I am right. You will find the Qur’an very difficult to read, mainly because all of its reported beauty has been lost in translation from the original Arabic. Even some of the grammar and wordy meanings seem to have been lost in translation, making much of it impossible to completely understand. But…the main body of the document can be understood; and I think you can plainly see that a recurring theme in the Qur’an is a call for violence in defense of the religion. If you do not want to read the whole document, I have listed below the ayats (verses) (surahs are like chapters)that call Muslims to violent behavior.

To give Muslims the benefit of the doubt about the peacefulness of their faith, be sure to read my last paragraph. It is taken from a commentary by a knowledgeable Muslim leader.

Calling Down Violence:
1.    Surah 2:54
2.    Surah 2:191
3.    Surah 2:216:218
4.    Surah 2:244 Fighting for Allah authorized.
5.    Surah 2:279
6.    Surah 3:142 Reward for fighting for Allah.
7.    Surah 3:152 Reward for annihilating the enemy.
8.    Surah 3:154 Encouragement to participate in slaughter.
9.    Surah 3:169 Those who fight for Allah live in heaven.
10.  Much of Surah 3 has to do with an encouragement to violence in the name of Allah. Rewards for faithfulness to the fighting cause of Allah is reiterated over and over.
11.  Surah 4:74 A promise of reward in bliss for those who fight and die in a struggle for Allah.
12.  Surah 4:77 Allah encouraging his followers to fight.
13.  Surah 4:89 A call to slay the hypocrites. 
14.  Surah 4:91 A call to slay your enemies.
15.  Surah 4:95; 57:10 A reward to those who strive and fight for Allah.
16.  Surah 4:104 Do not slack in following up the enemy.
17.  Surah 5:23
18.  Surah 5:33 Cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is the punishment of infidel.
19.  Surah 5:38 Cut off the hands of thieves.
20.  Surah 5:45 The principle of eye for eye, etc.
21.  Surah 6:6 More violence endorsed.
22.  Surah 7:4 Recounting how followers of Allah have destroyed many towns on account of their sins.
23.  Surah 7:24 Allah threatening to cut of hand and foot on opposite sides and to crucify his enemies.
24.  Surah 8 This Surah is an account of the battle of Badr; and it is encouraging to those who would fight for Islam.
25.  Surah 8:12; 69:44, 46 Allah encouraging fighters and promising to cut off all the finger tips of the enemy.
26.  Surah 8:16 If followers of Allah back off the battle, they will go to hell.
27.  Surah 9:5 Muslims called to slaughter pagans.
28.  Surah 9:12-14 More call to fight and kill pagans who have broken covenant.
29.  Surah 9:20 Reward of salvation promised to those who strive with might and main and suffer exile for Allah.
30.  Surah 9:29 Fight against unbelievers until the pay the jizyah and feel subdued.
31.  Surah 9:36 Fight against the pagans.
32.  Surah 9:44 There is no exemption from fighting for Allah and giving goods and persons.
33.  Surah 9:86-89 Those who will fight are promised prosperity and eternal life.
34.  Surah 9:93-97 Rewards implied for those who go to war for Allah and do not stay behind. 
35.  Surah 9:111 Those who slay and are slain in the cause of Allah will receive paradise.
36.  Surah 9:123; 71:26 Fight the pagans.
37.  Surah 9:5 Admonition to slay, beleaguer, wait in ambush, and seize pagans.
38.  Surah 17:5 Allah and Muslims sent “terrible warfare” on their enemies.
39.  Surah 17:7 Enemies of Islam were injured by their enemies with the approval of Muslims.
40.  Surah 17:8; 61:4 Threats by Muslims to attack and injure nonbelievers.
41.  Surah 17:16 Muslims threaten to destroy an entire population of transgressors.
42.  Surah 17:58; 21:11; 21:95; 22:45; 22:48; A promise to destroy all populations or punish them by a dreadful punishment.
43.  Surah 17:68, 69 Allah will send a violent tornado with a shower of stones.
44.  Surah 17:75 Punishment meted out to people in this life; I cannot see why in the context.
45.  Surah 18:59; 19:74; 19:98 Populations of people destroyed because they committed iniquities.
46.  Surah 22:25; 69:30, 31 Unbelievers are to be punished.
47.  Surah 23:41 Allah sends a blast to destroy his enemies as rubbish.
48.  Surah 33:26,27 Muslims slaying and throwing terror into the hearts of people of the Book. Approved by Allah!
49.  Surah 38:3 Muslims destroying generations of people.
50.  Surah 47:4 Muslims called to fight and kill the enemies; eternal rewards will be for those who fight.
51.  Surah 48:25 Punishment threatened to unbelievers.
52.  Surah 48:29 Muslims are to be strong against unbelievers but compassionate to one another. The exact opposite of the Golden Rule!

Al Mawdudi points out in his commentary on Surah 64 that “the Qur’an encompasses four fundamental truths: First, that the universe in which they live is not Godless, but its Creator, Master and Ruler is an All Powerful God, and everything in it testifies to His being most Perfect and absolutely faultless. Second, that the universe is not without purpose and wisdom, but its Creator has created it with truth, and no one should be under the delusion that it is a mock show, which began without a purpose and will come to an end without a purpose. Third, that the excellent form that God has created you with and the choice that He has given you to choose between belief and unbelief is not a useless and meaningless activity so that it may be of no consequence whether you choose belief or unbelief. In fact, God is watching as to how you exercise your choice. Fourth, that you have not been created irresponsible and un-answerable. You have to return ultimately to your Creator, and have to meet the Being who is aware of everything in the universe, from Whom nothing is hidden, to Whom even the innermost thoughts of the minds are known.” All men are responsible before Allah; he ordains all things, including the possibility of falling away from the faith; but anyone who chooses to do that loses Allah’s presence in his heart and his place in heaven.

 Those who would insist that Islam is a religion of peace and submission should carefully consider the above notes about the sect. Nowhere in the document could I find the word “love.” I think the Islamic terrorists are simply acting out the instructions they find in the Qur’an.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Why Work?

Let me tell you a modern-day parable:

 A political science professor in a state university recently flunked his whole class. The professor announced at the beginning of the school term that there would be three tests, two preliminary tests and one final exam. After the first test, he explained that he was going to average all the test scores and give everyone in the class the average grade on the exam. The average score was a B. When the second test came up, he told the class that the same scoring system would be used. The average score was a D. When the final test came up, he announced that the same scoring and grading system would be used. The average score came out to be an F. The whole class flunked!!

This parable illustrates the fact that people won’t work to do well if the outcome does not benefit them—at least a little. They won’t work for the good of the other guy. Socialist systems illustrated by this parable do not inspire people to work for the good of others.

In the United States, today, we are beginning to see the same kind of force at work in our culture.

Labor force participation has declined since 2000. The recession accounts for some of this decrease in productive working among our people, but not all of it. The other significant reason is soaring government benefits. Many people think that it is not necessary to work when so many economic benefits come to them free from the government.

One disincentive to work is the proliferation of food stamp recipients. There are over 30 million more Americans receiving food stamps today than in 2000. The sharp rise in the number of those receiving food stamps predated the financial crisis of 2008. From 2000 to 2007, the number of beneficiaries rose from 17.1 million to 26.3 million according to the Department of Agriculture. That number has leaped to 47.5 million in October 2012. That increase amounts to 10,000 more beneficiaries per day! The average benefit per person jumped in 2009 from $102 to $125 per month.

The increase in food stamp distribution is not all due to recession-related unemployment. From 2010 to 2012, unemployment decreased from 9.6% to 7.8% and real GDP was rising steadily. Instead of decreasing with the decreasing unemployment rates during that period, food stamp usage continued to rise; and 7,223,000 more people received food stamps.

A second factor in the disappearance of Americans from the work force is the easier availability of Social Security disability payments. The health of Americans and the decreasing physical dangers of the workplace have improved over recent decades. Yet…the number of Social Security disability recipients have increased. Three million Americans received SS disability payments in 1990. Now, the number has risen to 8.6 million.

The SS disability program is soaked in inefficiency and ineffectiveness as reported by David Autor from MIT. Many reported cases of fraud have been revealed.

Extended unemployment benefits are a third source of non-earned income that keeps people out of the work force. The traditional 26 week benefit has been continuously extended over the past four years—many persons out of work a year or more are still receiving benefits.

In conclusion,  If more people have less incentive to stay out of the work force, they might seek jobs and help spur economic growth.

(Much of this blog post was taken from the Wall Street Journal of 1/16/13 page A13.)