I believe that homosexuality is a
moral mistake. Of course, homosexuals have long strived to establish their life
style as a normal variant, caused by a genetic difference between them and
heterosexual individuals. Intense study of the human genome has failed to find
any correlation between homosexuality and any particular pattern of human genes
or chromosomes. In other words, there has been found no genetic correlate for
homosexuality. That leaves only environmental and social causes as viable
explanations for homosexuality.
So…what does cause homosexuality?
This is a question that probably has several answers in different cases. But
whatever the causes may be, you can be pretty sure that they are complex.
Sigmund Freud in the late 19th Century pointed out that establishing
sexual identity is a major and sometimes difficult task for the human being. He
thought the task of sexual identification in males is more difficult than that
of females. Of course, I think that Freud was a bit too ready to ascribe every
psychiatric malady to something sexual—but nevertheless, his observation has
some credence.
It is my opinion and that of many others
that homosexuality has two common origins. The first is that in very early
childhood, certainly before the age of 5, a conflictual relationship develops
between the child and the parent of the same sex. We will discuss the pathway
to homosexuality in boys because homosexuality is more common in the male; but
the principle can be reflexly applied to girls, also. Both little boys and
little girls are very attached to their mothers during infancy. As a boy grows up, however, he becomes more
and more interested in his father. He sees his father as a model for his life;
and he seeks to identify with the father. He notices that his father is
sexually attracted to females, and he, thus, identifies that as a model for his
life, too. He then normally becomes a heterosexual person, attracted to the
However, when a conflictual
relationship becomes obvious to a little boy, he becomes afraid of his father.
Or…he may disengage emotionally from his father who is authoritarian, hostile,
distant, or otherwise offensive. This conflict drives the little boy to develop
a pathological (abnormal) relationship with his mother. The boy notices that
the mother is sexually attracted to males; and the boy, then develops an
attraction to males. Thus…you have a homosexual male as he grows up. This early
conflict with the father causes very early onset homosexual affinities; and I have
heard these early age homosexuals tell me on several occasions that their
earliest memories are of their attraction to males as sexual goals. This early
attraction to males is the thing that makes homosexuals believe that there is
something genetic about their homosexuality; they cannot imagine how their
sexual affinity can come from any other source.
The second kind of sexual
development into homosexuality occurs in teen-age years; and this is what I
think is particularly hazardous in the Boy Scouts. There is a well-known
tendency for teenagers to rebel against their parents and other authorities in
their lives—they are trying to find their own identities. The teenager seeks
venues in which he can rebel. In the course of this rebellion, some of them
decide to “walk on the wild side,” so to speak, and find the most blatant issue
against which he can rebel. He soon sees that one of the most powerful
recommendations that is put upon him is that he become heterosexual. This
provides the teenager with the opportunity to rebel in grand fashion. He may
decide to experiment with the gay lifestyle. Sometimes this results in a
lifetime commitment to homosexuality. Sometimes, however, it is only a
temporary situation that is nothing more than a brief experimentation in an
otherwise normal developmental model. There are many teenagers who have had
brief encounters with homosexuality; and their subsequent development does not
seem to be harmed.
Homosexuality is a harmful
lifestyle practiced by about 5% of human populations. The more it is tolerated
and accepted as normal, the more prevalent it will become. It brings no
happiness into the life of a boy and as time goes on his focus is on how
attractive he can be to other males; he does not move on in life as a happily
married man. I do not believe that our
government and our social institutions are doing anybody any favors by aiding
and abetting this aberration of behavior.