Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Find the Will of God—For You!

After several decades of searching for God’s mysterious will for our lives, Nancy and I have come to the conclusion that it is really not so hard to find. But…it comes in a peculiar way—through closed doors!

I have little sympathy for people who wait for God to hit them over the head with a 2x4 in order to get their attention and tell them what He wants them to do for Him. Very infrequently will God communicate with us that way.

 It is important to wait on the Lord. Sometimes, very good things result from waiting upon the Lord, but while we are waiting, we should be seeking His guidance. He is not helpless to communicate with us.

The way to find God’s will for an individual person is to read the Bible and find several predominant themes concerning God’s will for His people, e.g., worship, kindness toward others, care for widows and orphans, intact marriages, sexual integrity, ministry to the poor, the pursuit of justice and mercy, etc., etc. These things are not hard to find in the pages of the Bible. Next, one should find something in that list that is of special interest—then begin asking around. When you find some place where you might be used, go and do it. If it is not in God’s will for you, the door to opportunity will close. Then, look for something else. It’s as simple as that!

A few years ago, I asked a friend why he had never done anything in Christian ministry. He answered, “God has never called me to do anything.” That is nonsense. God calls each of us to some service with Him. But just sitting with folded hands and refusing to look for God’s will is not becoming a follower of Christ.