a) Rampant materialism.
b) Preoccupation with sex in all its forms—heterosexual, homosexual, pornographic.
c) The growth of the welfare state (read free supply of bread, i.e., food stamps).
d) Decline of the family.
e) Decline of practical Christianity.
f) Obsessive interest in the self to the exclusion of others.
g) Attacks by outside barbarians (read Islamic terrorists).
h) Preoccupation with circuses (read spectator sports).
i) Corruption of government officials.
j) Degraded social morals (read crime).
k) Disinterest in voting and taking part in constructive politics and government activities.
There are few among us who will not recognize the above
list. Those things were the causes of the fall of Rome. It will happen to us.
Our republic has lasted so far, only about 250 years, while Rome lasted twelve
hundred years. But…things are happening much more rapidly in our time due to
speedy transportation and the instant effectiveness of means of communication.
It goes without saying that anyone who participates in the
above listed effects is contributing to the fall of our nation. Many, although
they recognize these things, go blithely along their way thinking that we live
only for today and that they have no responsibility for tomorrow. After all,
our society is “too big to fall,” as the saying goes.
What should we, as individual citizens, do in the face of
these social problems? Our natural tendency is to wring our hands and think
that we are helpless to stem the tide of social disintegration. All we do is
worry. But…that’s not the right way to think. God is still active in the world.
He has plans—plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and
a future (Jer 29:11). That is not an empty promise; it is not just a trite
saying that Christians are fond of reciting—God really means it; and we must
remember it and believe it! So, again, what should we do while bad things are
going on around us in our nation? We should continue to write petitions to our
legislators. (Do not just write to those legislators with whom you already
agree. Write to the ones who are standing for the things with which you
disagree.) Vote. Speak out about the bad effects you see around you. Write
letters to media voices. Pray fervently! Then…quit driving yourself crazy with
worry. God is working to bring about his ways. He is not helpless.