Sunday, May 11, 2014

Does Political Conservatism Flow From an Understanding of God?

Liberals/Progressives would answer “NO.” They believe that only they stand for the Christian principles of freedom and liberty for individuals—conservatives are only interested in money matters. Liberals also believe that conservatives are averse to new ideas and innovation. 

The truth is quite the opposite. Although liberals claim to have the interests of the poor and the disenfranchised at heart, their formula for helping them, i.e., giving away money, tax credits for money they never earned, health care, unemployment insurance payments, etc., etc. does not help in the long run; it only makes the poor more and more dependent and unable to care for themselves. And Conservatives have much more than a balanced budget in mind when they talk about money; they want to make the nation solvent so that money can be used for buying real goods for the poor and for constructive programs, rather than just selling more IOU notes and paying interest. It is true that deep debt ties the hands of good governance; and that is what conservatives want to prevent. Conservatives also want to conserve good programs and procedures that have worked well in the past. Borrowers turn out to be slaves to lenders; and that does not make for a good situation in our country.

Conservatives have been accused of being unkind and mean spirited toward the poor. But, I point out that it is liberals who want to make the poor more dependent on government instead of working for their living—and that is not being kind to them. Conservatives, on the other hand try to encourage people to work for their living in order to produce goods and services for society. Working is an obvious admonition of the Bible. Any careful reader of the Bible will note such passages as “if a man will not work, he shall not eat” 1 Thess 3:10 (Also, compare 1 Thess 4:11, 5:12,13.)

In reference to the liberal/progressive attitude toward the supposed conservative avoidance of innovation, entrepreneurs, who are mostly conservatives, are the masters of innovation. It is by innovation that they survive in business and produce the good things in life that we all enjoy.

It should be self-evident that liberals often vote in direct refutation of biblical principles, e.g., for abortion and euthanasia. Nothing could be more obvious than God’s attitude toward the preservation of human life. Liberals were the ones who voted for no fault divorce and the removal of prayer from the schools. It is liberals who want to take “In God We Trust” off our coinage. It is liberals who have nullified the Defense of Marriage Act. It is liberals who want to take “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Liberal thought has broken down the barriers to sexual promiscuity, which make America so repugnant to foreigners who respect modesty and chastity outside of marriage. Conservatives, on the other hand cling to the biblical principle of modest dress, (1 Tim 2:9). Widespread pornography is eating into the character of weak-willed men, especially; and this trend is being condoned by liberal universities, a liberal communication media, and liberal courts—all in the name of “freedom of speech.”

Liberal thought has brought into being a whole genre of philosophical thinking that refutes the existence of truth—this, in contrast to Jesus own statement that He came into the world to testify to the truth. This whole body of philosophical ideation is called “postmodern philosophy.” It certainly does not comport with conservative belief.

So, I ask you, who is closer to God’s words and His Spirit?  Is it liberals or conservatives?

I realize that I have been speaking in generalities, and not all liberals endorse all the degenerate social and intellectual trends I have outlined. But the above observations are generalities that cannot be refuted. There is no use hiding one’s head in the sand about these objections to liberal thought and practice. They are eating the heart out of our society—only a return to Christian principle can bring our country back to its senses. We must work toward the goal of bringing Christ back to our land.