Thursday, March 7, 2019

Reverse Discrimination!

Colleges and universities in America should quit their de facto affirmative action decisions on whom to admit to their institutions and whom they should deny. Refusing to educate white males and others of the so-called “dominant culture” at higher levels of training is a subtle form of racist discrimination that is unfair and damaging to our society. Our institutions of higher learning are doing this because they deem it politically correct to do so, and not because the government has mandated that kind of decision-making. I think it would be more politically correct (in the real sense) to admit those persons to the institutions on the basis of merit and disregard their race or sex.
A few years ago, a son of our who is a mechanical engineer, applied to the engineering department of the University of Oklahoma for a faculty position. He was turned down because the university told him he was the wrong sex and the wrong color.
He subsequently went to another university in the Midwest where he became a world class engineer; he was widely published and traveled the world giving lectures and seminars. The University of Oklahoma had missed out on hiring a real authority in the field of engineering. This is the result of poor administrative decision making. This policy filters down into business decisions which discriminate against people with high qualifications for doing good work.