Thursday, February 11, 2010

Airport Security--Profiling??

President Obama has pledged to ban racial profiling at airport security stations. He outlined this position in his "Bluepring for Change." Is this rational? Is it safe for the American airline passenger? There is a point to quit being politically correct and start protecting Americans. Lately, my 70 year old caucasian wife was extensively searched at the Denver airport to see if she was carrying a bomb. She does not look like any kind of terrorist to me!

The Israelis have an effective and rational way of profiling. They look at the passport. If that passport has a stamp from Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or North Aftica, they search that passenger thoroughly. That makes sense to me.

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of adults say factors such as race, ethnicity and overall appearance should be used to determine which boarding passengers to search at airports.

Twenty-six percent (26%) say these factors should not be used to determine which passengers to search. Another 15% are not sure.

Interestingly, however, even more Americans (71%) believe such profiling is necessary in today’s environment. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree and see profiling as an unnecessary violation of civil rights…

Nearly half of likely voters (46%) believe current airport security measures are not strict enough."

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