Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Try Journaling—You Will Appreciate it Later

This post is to recommend to our young correspondents the value of journaling your life experiences and daily activities. We have a friend who has journaled his life daily since graduating from high school. He can tell you where he and his family spent Christmas in 1984, who was there, what were the significant gifts, what happened, what dinner was like, etc., etc. The information he can glean from his journal is most interesting and even inspiring. He and his wife have fun looking into that old journal after fifty plus years of notations.

Twenty years ago, my wife and I were missionaries in West Africa. We had many very interesting experiences in those days; but, alas, we did not keep a record of them in written form, and now we cannot remember many of them. I wish we had kept a journal!

I recommend that journals be kept in an old-fashioned logbook. It would, perhaps, be easier and more economical of space to do it on a hard drive or in some other electronic medium; but one never knows in these days of rapid technology advancement, if hard drives or CD’s will be around in 40 years.

Happy journaling!

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