Thursday, June 20, 2013

Governmental Deterioration Rises To New Levels

We, Americans, are learning each day to trust the government less and less. Many among us are unsettled by abuses that have become obvious in the IRS, the Justice Department, the Benghazi affair, and government surveillance programs run by the National Security Administration. We wonder—what is to be done about the mess in Washington!

Now, we are losing our ability to maintain our own privacy because of unheard of governmental surveillance programs. Many think that this loss flies in the face of the Fourth Amendment, which reads, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated….” I greatly fear that this loss of privacy will someday backfire on us and produce effects even worse and more ubiquitous than the terrorist actions our NSA is attempting to avoid by all this surveillance of phone and e-mail records.

There was a day when we, Americans could trust our government to consist of honest and moral men and women. We could trust them to uphold the principles of our Constitution and adhere to biblical standards. But…no more!

We have seen in our time a President elected to office who saw fit to hire burglars to raid the offices of the Democrat Party in the Watergate building in order to get the plans of his political opponents. We have seen a man elected to the Presidency who was caught seducing one of the office girls on the floor of the oval office. Now, we see a President who rejects the idea that truth can be realized or understood. President Obama has written in The Audacity of Hope, “Implicit…in the very idea of ordered liberty is a rejection of absolute truth, the infallibility of any idea or ideology or theology or ‘ism,’ any tyrannical consistency that might lock future generations into a single unalterable course….”

Unless America returns to its former state of proper moral consensus, we will never, again, realize a government we can trust. Electing presidents, senators, and congressional representatives who are womanizers, unfaithful husbands, tax cheaters, and draft dodgers will never recover for us a faithful and trustworthy government. The moral condition of our government leaders IS VERY IMPORTANT. Many have said that the personal morals of a president make no difference—the only thing that counts is his performance in his official position. That is simply wrong. We, Americans, need to examine carefully the morals of our leaders before we blindly elect them to office.