Friday, June 22, 2018

The Sexual Revolution Backfires!

Mary Eberstadt has written in the Weekly Standard of 25 June 2018 about the sexual revolution, which took place in America and even around the world, fifty years ago. It has had dilatory effects on our culture. The manifestation of “free sex” pushed forward by the reform movement has caused five obvious consequences of this trendy way of thinking about sex roles:

First, the modern use of birth control pills has resulted, not in freedom and family health, but in increased frequency of divorce, cohabitation, and abortion never before seen in history.

Second, the limitation on family growth is leaving thousands of elderly people to live lives of loneliness and abandonment, because they have very few progenies to care for and pay attention to them as they age. The New York Times has reported 4000 deaths weekly of lonely old people without family support. In Japan, people are even being found dead in their apartments only after neighbors suspect something wrong after the odor of a decaying body alerts them.

Third, pornography is substituting for healthy sexual activity between married adults. This is leading to divorce and psychological damage.

Forth, the cheapening of sex among the population is causing an increase of sexually transmitted diseases and the perverted practice of egg donation for monetary profit to those who cannot conceive normally because of abnormal family arrangements or the results of sexually transmitted diseases.

Fifth, the MeToo movement has cropped up due to the widespread belief that women are available for sexual exploitation and dishonesty about their willingness for extramarital sex.

I would add to these five problems outlined by Ms. Eberstadt the fact that illicit sex is ruining the character of both men and women who are disappointed, disillusioned, and disheartened by unfulfilled and uncommitted sexual activity. Both the family and the personal character of men and women is suffering.

Furthermore, the sexual revolution is destroying and emasculating male character in men who take what they want sexually and deny the responsibility of supporting a wife and children. Instead of getting out of the house, working for a living, and supporting moral values, they stay at home on the couch watching TV sports, drinking, and even using illicit drugs to squelch their feelings of worthlessness.

The sexual revolution has not fulfilled the promises that women’s liberation said it would.  

Appeasement Agreement with Kim Jong-un

Since the victorious return of President Trump to America after his visit with Kim Jong-un, I am reminded of the return of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to London in 1938, waving the appeasement agreement he had made with Adolf Hitler in Munich. The crowds were cheering; the newspapers were mostly in agreement with the crowds and the statement of Chamberlain. “My good friends this is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Now I recommend you go home and sleep quietly in your beds.

King George VI issued a statement to his people, “After the magnificent efforts of the Prime Minister in the cause of peace it is my fervent hope that a new era of friendship and prosperity may be dawning with the peoples of the world.” His mother, the dowager Queen Mary remarked that “the Prime Minister was delighted with the results of his mission, as are we all….He brought home peace….”

The House of Commons discussed the Munich agreement on 3 October. Winston Churchill spoke harshly against the agreement; no Conservative voted against the pact. But 20-30 of them abstained from voting, including Churchill and Anthony Eden.

Hmmm…I wonder. I hope we are not repeating the error of 1938. It has been said that those who disregard the lesson of the past are prone to repeat it. I hope not.