Friday, August 23, 2013

We Must Do Something About the Middle East!!

The time for watching and waiting about the wars in the Middle East is over. America absolutely must ACT!! President Obama’s policy of “leading from behind” must quit. His empty threats have made American statements about humanitarian actions a laughing stock of the world, thanks to the president’s unwillingness to do anything about mass killing and erupting violence in the Middle East. His repeated statements about “keeping all options on the table” simply mean that there are no options on the table. He intends to do absolutely nothing.

President Obama should look at the history of how another Democrat president acted in the First World War. At first, President Wilson did everything he could do to stay out of the war. The American populace was dead set against entry into the war; but as Germany was not willing to seriously negotiate and when on March 18, 1917, German U-boats sank three American merchant ships, Wilson changed his mind—he decided on war.

Congress declared war on April 7, 1917. Wilson used the presidential “bully pulpit” to mobilize American motivation to fight the Germans. He took charge of raising American fury against the German leadership, and he even set aside the Constitutional rights of American citizens to do it. (Abraham Lincoln had set that example during the Civil War when he set aside the right of habeas corpus.) President Wilson convinced Congress to pass the Sedition Act in 1917, which outlawed draft dodging and legitimized censoring printed material including the mail. In 1918, the Sedition Act prevented private citizens from speaking out against the federal government in the war effort. Wilson created the Committee on Public Information, which distributed propaganda against Germany. He saw to it that taxes were raised to the highest level in American history in order to raise money to fight the war—taxes on the rich rose to an astounding 77% of income.

President Obama could mobilize America to do something about the deteriorating world situation if he only had the will to do it. If he really wants a favorable legacy, as most pundits say he does, he must act militarily against tyranny. He must get on his feet and convince Americans that we can, again, gain control of an almost hopeless situation. We must act to prevent the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians by the Syrian government using nerve gas!!

However, I am afraid that the legacy President Obama will leave will be a reputation as the President who presided over the greatest demise of American prestige and effectiveness in the history of the modern world.






























