Thursday, November 26, 2009

Destroy Terror Manuevers Before They Happen

A recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal (23 Nov 2009, page A21) makes the point that the United States seems to have a penchant for ignoring the fact that terrorist acts like the one involving Major Hasan at Fort Hood which killed 13 American soldiers was obviously motivated by Major Hasan's Muslim religion. European countries do not seem to be ignoring these Islam-connected acts of outright terrorism.
Our FBI, oriented on law enforcement after the fact of an illegal offense, is poorly fitted to ferret out potential acts of terroristic destruction before they occur. The FBI is much too oriented on being politically correct, in that it will not call Muslim terrorism for what it is--a religion-related destructive effect in our society. The FBI would do well to emulate the behavior of the French internal security service (which deploys a large number of Muslim officers) in its effective function of finding and destroying subversive elements in the society before dissaster happens.