Monday, July 20, 2015

Look in the Right Place for the Source of Islamic Violence

In the wake of the shootings in Chattanooga and other killings carried out by Muslims in the United States, we hear a lot about how the government is trying to blame domestic violence on ISIS, al Qaeda, and maybe other foreign field Islamic groups. The government and its endorsers are even stretching to blame “social media” for the problem. There may be some truth in some of that effort; but I would posit that the search for causes should start right here, at home. The root cause of this Islamic violence is found in the pages of the Qur’an, the Muslims’ guidebook.  

I have personally read the Qur’an carefully and completely. I have compiled a list of ayahs in the Qur’an calling down violence for various reasons. I have noted the references below; and I can attest to you that they are truly in that document. I did not get them from any secondary source. I would invite each of my readers to read the Qur’an carefully to check the references below. In the language of the Qur’an, the term “surah” means “chapter;” and the term “ayah” means “verse.” In other words, “Surah 2:54” means, “chapter 2, and verse 54.”

1.    Surah 2:54
2.    Surah 2:191
3.    Surah 2:216:218
4.    Surah 2:244 Fighting for Allah authorized.
5.    Surah 2:279
6.    Surah 3:142 Reward for fighting for Allah.
7.    Surah 3:152 Reward for annihilating the enemy.
8.    Surah 3:154 Encouragement to participate in slaughter.
9.    Surah 3:169 Those who fight for Allah live in heaven.
10.  Much of Surah 3 has to do with an encouragement to violence in the name of Allah. Rewards for faithfulness to the fighting cause of Allah is reiterated over and over.
11.  Surah 4:74 A promise of reward in bliss for those who fight and die in a struggle for Allah.
12.  Surah 4:77 Allah encouraging his followers to fight.
13.  Surah 4:89 A call to slay the hypocrites. 
14.  Surah 4:91 A call to slay your enemies.
15.  Surah 4:95; 57:10 A reward to those who strive and fight for Allah.
16.  Surah 4:104 Do not slack in following up the enemy.
17.  Surah 5:23
18.  Surah 5:33 Cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is the punishment of infidel.
19.  Surah 5:38 Cut off the hands of thieves.
20.  Surah 5:45 The principle of eye for eye, etc.
21.  Surah 6:6 More violence endorsed.
22.  Surah 7:4 Recounting how followers of Allah have destroyed many towns on account of their sins.
23.  Surah 7:24 Allah threatening to cut of hand and foot on opposite sides and to crucify his enemies.
24.  Surah 8 This Surah is an account of the battle of Badr; and it is encouraging to those who would fight for Islam.
25.  Surah 8:12; 69:44, 46 Allah encouraging fighters and promising to cut off all the finger tips of the enemy.
26.  Surah 8:16 If followers of Allah back off the battle, they will go to hell.
27.  Surah 9:5 Muslims called to slaughter pagans.
28.  Surah 9:12-14 More call to fight and kill pagans who have broken covenant.
29.  Surah 9:20 Reward of salvation promised to those who strive with might and main and suffer exile for Allah.
30.  Surah 9:29 Fight against unbelievers until the pay the jizyah and feel subdued.
31.  Surah 9:36 Fight against the pagans.
32.  Surah 9:44 There is no exemption from fighting for Allah and giving goods and persons.
33.  Surah 9:86-89 Those who will fight are promised prosperity and eternal life.
34.  Surah 9:93-97 Rewards implied for those who go to war for Allah and do not stay behind. 
35.  Surah 9:111 Those who slay and are slain in the cause of Allah will receive paradise.
36.  Surah 9:123; 71:26 Fight the pagans.
37.  Surah 9:5 Admonition to slay, beleaguer, wait in ambush, and seize pagans.
38.  Surah 17:5 Allah and Muslims sent “terrible warfare” on their enemies.
39.  Surah 17:7 Enemies of Islam were injured by their enemies with the approval of Muslims.
40.  Surah 17:8; 61:4 Threats by Muslims to attack and injure nonbelievers.
41.  Surah 17:16 Muslims threaten to destroy an entire population of transgressors.
42.  Surah 17:58; 21:11; 21:95; 22:45; 22:48; A promise to destroy all populations or punish them by a dreadful punishment.
43.  Surah 17:68, 69 Allah will send a violent tornado with a shower of stones.
44.  Surah 17:75 Punishment meted out to people in this life; I cannot see why in the context.
45.  Surah 18:59; 19:74; 19:98 Populations of people destroyed because they committed iniquities.
46.  Surah 22:25; 69:30, 31 Unbelievers are to be punished.
47.  Surah 23:41 Allah sends a blast to destroy his enemies as rubbish.
48.  Surah 33:26,27 Muslims slaying and throwing terror into the hearts of people of the Book. Approved by Allah!
49.  Surah 38:3 Muslims destroying generations of people.
50.  Surah 47:4 Muslims called to fight and kill the enemies; eternal rewards will be for those who fight.
51.  Surah 48:25 Punishment threatened to unbelievers.
52.  Surah 48:29 Muslims are to be strong against unbelievers but compassionate to one another. The exact opposite of the Golden Rule!

Our government has its head buried in the sand; they do not recognize where the problem is coming from; and they even forbid their employees from using the term, “Islamic terrorism.”
In the Wall Street Journal article 7/18/15 “Chattanooga Shooting Suspect’s Trip to Jordan Scrutinized by Authorities,” indications emerged of some troubles at home, which probably contributed to the violent act of the shooter, Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez.  His father, Youssuf Abdulazeez, was allegedly abusive toward his wife, Rasmia Abdulazeez, and their five children, according to a divorce complaint filed by the wife in February 2009 in Hamilton County chancery court in Tennessee. Ms. Abdulazeez accused her husband of repeatedly beating her and being “physically and verbally abusive towards the children,” according to the filing. She said he also sexually assaulted her and told her he intended to marry a second wife, “as permitted under certain circumstances under Islamic law,” the filing said. Later that month, however, Ms. Abdulazeez dismissed the divorce action, and the couple sought to reconcile, filing a postnuptial agreement with the court.

It is a fact that the Qur’an validates wife-beating, at times. Surah 4:34 reads in translation: “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore, the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance): for Allah is most high, great (above you all).”

Muslim objections to my comments above may point to the fact that in the Old Testament of the Bible used by Christians and Jews, violence is not infrequently prescribed by God, e.g., against the Amalekites, the Amorites, and other Canaanite tribes. That is quite true; but the thing that the critics do not recognize is that under the new covenant of grace in the New Testament, all that violence of the Old Testament is abrogated and henceforth, a covenant of love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace predominates. You will not find any advocacy in the New Testament for violence, polygamy, wife beating, or child abuse. We do not need to have these values introduced into our culture.  








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