Friday, October 5, 2012

Are American Women Only Interested in Contraception and Abortion Access?

If you listen to Democrat campaign messages aimed at the female vote, you would think so. But…it is not true. Women are interested in a variety of campaign issues. Look at the following from a group called “Independent Women’s Voice,” and educational advocacy group.

This women’s organization has taken a great interest in educating American women on the truth about the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare. The group contacted women in 24,000 households in America who are considered independent voters. They presented them with information from the Congressional Budget Office. The name of neither Presidential candidate was included in their mailing—only facts from the CBO regarding the ACA. The mailings were followed up with a questionnaire about which presidential candidate they favored. (Presidential candidate preference is considered to be a proxy for approval/disapproval of the candidates: Mr. Romney known to favor repeal of the ACA and Mr. Obama who favors implementing the law.)

In a control group who never received the mailings, independent women voters favored Mr. Romney in the presidential race by a 44%-42% margin. After receiving the information from the CBO, independent women voters approved of Mr. Romney over President Obama by a margin of 50%-34%. But…what was it in the CBO data that changed the minds of these women so dramatically?

·      Americans know that the ACA requires insurance companies to allow families to keep adult children up to age 16 on their parents’ policy. They are less likely to know that the provision increased the average family premium—even for families that did not add adult dependents—by $150-$450/month in 2011.

·      The average family’s health insurance premium has already increased by $1300/year.

·      Young workers who buy their own insurance will see a 19%-30% increase in their premiums.

·      Originally, CBO predicted that 700,000 people would use the ACA’s federal high-risk program. Only 78,000 have signed up, making the cost to the taxpayer millions of allocated dollars for each applicant.

·      The ACA was sold as the solution to covering the 47 million uninsured people in America; but now the CBO estimates that after the law has been implemented for 10 years, 30 million Americans will still be uninsured.

·      Adding new patients to the Medicaid program, which will be a result of the ACA, means that doctors will have to see patients more quickly and spend less time with each patient in order to cover the overhead costs of practice. This means that doctors will be less inclined to take new Medicaid patients.

If you want to check this data, look at; but be careful, the Obama campaign has overlaid this web site with an advertisement that pretends to refute these facts from the Congressional Budget Office. When you Google “Health Reform  Questions,” select the url 2nd from the top. The top selection is the Obamacare advertisement.

The bottom line of all this is that “There’s no such thing as a free lunch!” The money has to come from somewhere; and no entitlement program is free.    

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