Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Progressives in New York Border on Anarchism

The movement of Progressives and other leftists in New York and Washington is very dismaying to me. The Wall Street Journal has spoken out against protests against the police, as noted by a quote below. I seems to me that the American left is asking for anarchy—that is exactly what we will get if we trash our police departments.

In urban America, the police walk a line between civilization and mayhem every day. Yet since the Garner and Brown episodes, the progressive leaders in New York and Washington have talked and behaved as if the police are society’s main problem.

Eric Holder has sent federal agents to second-guess grand juries and “reform” local police as if he assumes these police chiefs and prosecutors are biased. The New York City Council staged a “die-in” as fallen victims of police.

And progressives have failed to denounce protestors who have disrupted civic life, rampaged through stores, and even assaulted police who tried to arrest law-breakers. All of this has contributed to a public climate of suspicion and hate against police in which a man like Ismaaiyl Brinsley can in his deranged mind think it is justified to stalk and execute two cops on the beat.

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