Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where Are All the Good Young Men and Women?

Kay Hymowitz has written a book called “Manning Up,” in which she decries the tendency in America for young men to, more and more, be irresponsible, couch potatoes who look only for sex at the local singles bar. They do not want to settle down and support a family with the conventional wife and children. They seem to have entered a stage of life, which she calls “pre-adulthood.” To young women looking for a good husband, the typical young man looks more like an overgrown and aged fraternity boy. They often get money from their parents and spend a lot of their time playing video games and watching spectator sports.

Statistics on this age group shows that they are marrying later and later in life—the mean age for marriage is now 27.5 years for men; in 1980, it was 23. (For women, the mean age of marriage is 25; in 1980, it was 20.) Many people are not even getting married; among both sexes, 53% of all people in the age group of 25-29 have never been married. Men are not even bothering to get a college degree to the same extent as women (26% of men now get bachelor’s degrees; 33% of women get bachelor’s degrees in the United States.).

Relatively affluent, free of family responsibilities, and entertained by an array of media devoted to his every pleasure, the single young man can live in pig heaven—and often does. Women put up with him for a while, but then in fear and disgust give up on any idea of a husband and kids. This rational choice on the part of women only serves to legitimize men's attachment to the sand box. Why should they grow up? No one needs them anyway. There's nothing they have to do.

I lay, at least part of this problem, at the foot of the feminist movement. Women have become so apparently independent of men that men do not feel called to take care of women as they did in the past. And…they can get all the sex they want at the local bar. So, why should these lazy and worthless men tie themselves down with family responsibilities?

They might just as well have another beer.

This whole bad scene demonstrates what happens to legitimate manhood and womanhood when the Christian principles of the Bible are ignored and sinful mankind goes his own way.
If you are interested in following this question further, I refer you to

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