Saturday, March 6, 2010


YES! It most certainly does. There are six ways in which abortion injures the female sex:

First, with abortion easily and readily available, as well as socially acceptable, it is easier than ever for men to exploit women. Men do not have to live with the decision to abort—women do. Women are ultimately responsible for killing the innocent life within them; and they do not take failure of that responsibility lightly.

Second, abortion separates women from their reproductive potential. In effect, it de-sexes them. Abortion erodes the natural pride which women enjoy in being able to conceive and bear children—a creative wonder which no man can duplicate.

Third, through abortion, women are being abandoned by a society which has no patience for a problem unique to women—an unplanned pregnancy. The young, pregnant, and unmarried woman is being pushed out of school, the family, the home, and friendship links to go it alone and solve her own problems. Abortion, unlike childbirth, is always a lonely process.

Forth, Instead of helping women to be strong, independent and capable of handling their lives in spite of social prejudices against “problem” pregnancies, the expediency of abortion encourages women to be weak, dependent, and incapable of dealing with unexpected challenges. The pro-choice movement says to the woman, “If you want to be equal to a man, you need to have an operation.” This is a bunch of nonsense!

Fifth, there is a significantly higher incidence of depression in women following an abortion.

Sixth, there are physical complications of abortion including the occasional incidence of infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and possibly breast cancer.

Let us not kid ourselves, abortion is not a simple, uncomplicated little operation similar to ear piercing or vaccination. Abortion hurts women.

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