Friday, December 18, 2009

Manufacturing a Consensus on Climate

(This blog was partly excerpted from the Wall Street Journal of 18 December 2009, page A25)
In 1985 I was listening to a speech at a Michigan State University graduation by the then president of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Frank Press. Dr. Press’s main point was that the greatest challenge to useful science in the coming decades was plagiarism and falsification of data by “scientists” trying to justify the conclusions of their research. (f

Today, we are faced with so-called scientific data justifying the idea that CO2 is causing the warming of the earth to the great detriment of all earth’s inhabitants. These “scientists” are mainly located at the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit in Great Britain, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Many scientists scattered all over the earth are vested in propagating the idea of global warming and it’s supposed cause, greenhouse gasses.

They have organized a systematic cover-up of data that indicates that the earth was actually warmer in the Medieval period than it is now. Furthermore, they fail to point out that there has been absolutely no evidence for surface or atmospheric warming in the last ten years. They also do not emphasize that the temperature on Mars and Jupiter’s moon, Europa have been rising in recent years.

The scientists are calling CO2 a pollutant. It is well known that market gardeners pump extra CO2 into their greenhouses to increase their crop yield. That hardly sounds like CO2 is a pollutant—rather, it is acting as a fertilizer!

We need to look carefully at “scientific” justification for global warming and the dangers of greenhouse gasses. Some of this data is just not good science.

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